The very 1st Quiz Box was made in 1961 by Don Glaske. This was battery-powered & used for Bible quizzing. Quizzing is now worldwide & in various languages!
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.
Quiz-Time quiz boxes are portable, don't require electricity or a computer, are easy to use, and simple to set up.
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.

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Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

New Testament Books

Matthew   |   Mark   |   Luke   |   John   |   Acts   |   Romans   |   1 Corinthians   |   2 Corinthians   |   Galatians   |   Ephesians   |   Philippians   |   Colossians   |   1 Thessalonians   |   2 Thessalonians  |  1 Timothy   |   2 Timothy   |   Titus   |   Philemon   |   Hebrews   |   James   |   1 Peter   |   2 Peter   |   1 John   |   2 John   |   3 John   |   Jude   |   Revelation



Q: Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings?
A: God 1:3

Q: Before the foundation of the world God did what?
A: chose us in Christ 1:4

Q: Through his blood we have what?
A: redemption 1:7

Q: According to his good pleasure, God did what?
A: made known unto us the mystery of his will 1:9

Q: He worketh all things after what counsel?
A: the counsel of his own will 1:11

Q: When were ye sealed with that holy Spirit of promise?
A: after that ye believed 1:13

Q: I heard of your faith in whom?
A: the Lord Jesus 1:15

Q: I cease not to give what?
A: thanks for you 1:16

Q: The revelation of what knowledge may be given you?
A: the knowledge of him 1:17

Q: What exceeding greatness may ye know?
A: the exceeding greatness of his power to usward 1:19

Q: Christ is set far above what?
A: principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named 1:21

Q: God hath put all things where?
A: under Christ’s feet 1:22


Q: In time past ye walked how?
A: according to the course of this world; according to the prince of the power of the air 2:2

Q: With his great love, God did what?
A: loved us 2:4

Q: God loved us even when we were what?
A: dead in sins 2:5

Q: Who made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus?
A: God 2:6

Q: God’s kindness is shown us through whom?
A: Christ Jesus 2:7

Q: Finish… For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God 2:8

Q: God hath before ordained that we should do what?
A: walk in good works 2:10

Q: Ye are made nigh to God by what?
A: the blood of Christ 2:13

Q: Christ hath broken down what?
A: the middle wall of partition between us 2:14

Q: Through Christ we have access by one Spirit unto whom?
A: the Father 2:18

Q: Of what household are ye?
A: the household of God 2:19

Q: Ye are builded together for what?
A: an habitation of God through the Spirit 2:22


Q: When ye read, ye may understand what?
A: my knowledge in the mystery of Christ 3:4

Q: In other ages what was not made known?
A: the mystery of Christ 3:5

Q: What are unsearchable?
A: the riches of Christ 3:8

Q: God created all things by whom?
A: Jesus Christ 3:9

Q: The manifold wisdom of God might be known of whom?
A: the church 3:10

Q: God’s eternal purpose was purposed in whom?
A: Christ Jesus our Lord 3:11

Q: I desire that ye faint not at what?
A: my tribulation 3:13

Q: I bow my knees unto whom?
A: the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 3:14

Q: In the inner man be what?
A: strengthened with might by his Spirit 3:16

Q: Christ may dwell in your hearts how?
A: by faith 3:17

Q: Comprehend what?
A: the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of the love of Christ 3:18-19

Q: What passeth knowledge?
A: the love of Christ 3:19

Q: Acc. To 3:20, God is able to do what?
A: exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think 3:20


Q: With all lowliness do what?
A: forbear one another 4:2

Q: Unto every one of us is given what?
A: grace 4:7

Q: Why did Christ ascend far above all heavens?
A: that he might fill all things 4:10

Q: Edify what body?
A: the body of Christ 4:12

Q: Be not carried about with what?
A: every wind of doctrine 4:14

Q: By cunning craftiness, men lie in wait to do what?
A: deceive 4:14

Q: What is fitly joined together?
A: the whole body 4:16

Q: Whose hearts were blinded?
A: the Gentiles 4:17-18

Q: The truth is in whom?
A: Jesus 4:21

Q: Be renewed where?
A: in the spirit of your mind 4:23

Q: Let not the sun go down on what?
A: your wrath 4:26

Q: Let what proceed out of your mouth?
A: that which is good to the use of edifying 4:29

Q: Unto what day are ye sealed?
A: the day of redemption 4:30


Q: Who hath given himself for us?
A: Christ 5:2

Q: Let not what be once named among you?
A: fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness 5:3

Q: What cometh upon the children of disobedience?
A: the wrath of God 5:6

Q: Have no fellowship with what?
A: the unfruitful works of darkness 5:11

Q: All things that are reproved are made manifest by what?
A: the light 5:13

Q: See then that ye walk how?
A: circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise 5:15

Q: Why redeem the time?
A: because the days are evil 5:16

Q: Be ye understanding of what?
A: what the will of the Lord is 5:17

Q: Unto whom shall we always give thanks?
A: God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ 5:20

Q: In the fear of God do what?
A: submit yourselves one to another 5:21

Q: How should husbands love their wives?
A: even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it 5:25

Q: How did Christ sanctify and cleanse the church?
A: with the washing of water by the word 5:26


Q: The first commandment with promise is what?
A: to honour thy father and mother 6:2

Q: Bring up your children how?
A: in the nurture and admonition of the Lord 6:4

Q: Finish… Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 6:10

Q: Finish… Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 6:11

Q: There is spiritual wickedness where?
A: in high places 6:12

Q: Finish… Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 6:13

Q: Have your feet shod with what?
A: the preparation of the gospel of peace 6:15

Q: With the shield of faith ye shall be able to do what?
A: quench all the fiery darts of the wicked 6:16

Q: Take what helmet?
A: the helmet of salvation 6:17

Q: Praying always with what?
A: all prayer and supplication in the Spirit 6:18

Q: *Make known what mystery?
A: the mystery of the gospel 6:19

Q: Pray that I may speak how?
A: boldly as I ought to speak 6:20

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Quiz-Time Systems
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Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.Quiz-Time Systems, 252 E Napier Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
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Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.