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Bible Quiz Questions and Answers
New Testament Books
Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians | Colossians | 1 Thessalonians | 2 Thessalonians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | Philemon | Hebrews | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Jude | Revelation
Q: Who was separated unto the gospel of God?
A: Paul 1:1
Q: By what resurrection was Christ declared the Son of God?
A: the resurrection of the dead 1:4
Q: What was spoken of throughout the whole world?
A: your faith 1:8
Q: Without ceasing, I do what?
A: make mention of you always in my prayers 1:9
Q: I long to see you that I may do what?
A: impart unto you some spiritual gift 1:11
Q: Brethren, I would not have you how?
A: ignorant 1:13
Q: Finish… For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God
unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the
Greek. 1:16
Q: What is the power of God unto salvation?
A: the gospel of Christ 1:16
Q: The just shall live how?
A: by faith 1:17
Q: Against what is the wrath of God revealed?
A: all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men 1:18
Q: Why are the ungodly without excuse?
A: because the invisible things of the world are clearly seen 1:20
Q: The truth of God was changed into what?
A: into a lie 1:25
Q: The goodness of God leadeth thee to what?
A: repentance 2:4
Q: God will render to every man how?
A: according to his deeds 2:6
Q: The contentious obey not what?
A: the truth 2:8
Q: Finish… For there is no respect of persons with God 2:11
Q: As many as have sinned in the law, they shall be judged how?
A: by the law 2:12
Q: Acc. to 2:13, the doers of the law shall be what?
A: justified 2:13
Q: The Gentiles have not what?
A: the law 2:14
Q: By whom shall God judge the secrets of men?
A: Jesus Christ 2:16
Q: A Jew resteth in what?
A: the law 2:17
Q: Who is instructed out of the law?
A: a Jew 2:17-18
Q: By breaking the law thou dishonourest whom?
A: God 2:23
Q: Among the Gentiles what is blasphemed?
A: the name of God 2:24
Q: A Jew’s praise is not of men but of whom?
A: God 2:29
Q: What advantage hath the Jew?
A: much in every way; chiefly, because to them were committed the oracles of God 3:2
Q: Let God be true but every man a what?
A: liar 3:4
Q: God shall judge what?
A: the world 3:6
Q: Both Jew and Gentile are under what?
A: sin 3:9
Q: How many are righteous?
A: not one 3:10
Q: Who are gone out of the way?
A: all 3:12
Q: Their throat is what?
A: an open sepulchre 3:13
Q: Their mouth is full of what?
A: cursing and bitterness 3:14
Q: Their feet are swift to do what?
A: shed blood 3:15
Q: Where shall no flesh be justified?
A: in his sight 3:20
Q: Finish… For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. 3:23
Q: We are justified freely through what redemption?
A: the redemption that is in Christ Jesus 3:24
Q: God hath set forth Jesus Christ to be what?
A: a propitiation through faith in his blood 3:25
Q: Who is our father as pertaining to the flesh?
A: Abraham 4:1
Q: What was counted unto Abraham for righteousness?
A: he believed God 4:3
Q: Who said, Blessed are they whose inquities are forgiven?
A: David 4:6-7
Q: The law worketh what?
A: wrath 4:15
Q: For where no law is, there is no what?
A: transgression 4:15
Q: The father of us all is who?
A: Abraham 4:16
Q: Over how many nations was Abraham made a father?
A: many 4:17
Q: Who quickeneth the dead?
A: God 4:17
Q: Abraham staggered not at what?
A: the promise of God through unbelief 4:20
Q: With what was Abraham fully persuaded?
A: that what he had promised he was able also to perform 4:21
Q: Who was raised from the dead?
A: Jesus our Lord 4:24
Q: Jesus was delivered for our what?
A: our offences 4:25
Q: Through whom do we have peace with God?
A: our Lord Jesus Christ 5:1
Q: What worketh patience?
A: tribulation 5:3
Q: What is shed abroad in our hearts?
A: the love of God 5:5
Q: By what is the love of God shed abroad?
A: the Holy Ghost 5:5
Q: Finish… But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 5:8
Q: Through Christ, we shall be saved from what?
A: wrath 5:9
Q: By what are we reconciled to God?
A: by the death of his Son 5:10
Q: By sin, what entered into the world?
A: death 5:12
Q: Why did death pass upon all men?
A: for all have sinned 5:12
Q: How long did death reign?
A: from Adam to Moses 5:14
Q: What gift is by one man, Jesus Christ?
A: the gift of grace 5:15
Q: By the offence of one, judgment came where?
A: upon all men to condemnation 5:18
Q: Where did grace much more abound?
A: where sin abounded 5:20
Q: Into whose death are we baptized?
A: Jesus Christ 6:3
Q: We should walk in what?
A: newness of life 6:4
Q: We should not serve what?
A: sin 6:6
Q: Who is freed from sin?
A: he that is dead 6:7
Q: Christ liveth unto whom?
A: God 6:10
Q: Reckon yourselves to be what?
A: dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ
our Lord 6:11
Q: What should not reign in your mortal body?
A: sin 6:12
Q: Yield yourselves unto whom?
A: God 6:13
Q: Ye are not under law but under what?
A: grace 6:14
Q: Being made free from sin, ye become what?
A: the servants of righteousness 6:18
Q: Death is the end of what?
A: those things whereof you are now ashamed 6:21
Q: *Eternal life is the gift of whom?
A: God 6:23
Q: Finish… For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord. 6:23
Q: How long is a woman bound to her husband?
A: as long as he liveth 7:2
Q: We should bring forth what unto God?
A: fruit 7:4
Q: What motions did work in our members?
A: the motions of sin 7:5
Q: We should serve in the newness of what?
A: spirit 7:6
Q: We should not serve in what?
A: the oldness of the letter 7:6
Q: Without the law what is dead?
A: sin 7:8
Q: What is holy, just and good?
A: the commandment 7:12
Q: In my flesh dwelleth what?
A: no good thing 7:18
Q: To will is present where?
A: with me 7:18
Q: Evil is present with me when I would do what?
A: good 7:21
Q: I delight in what law?
A: in the law of God after the inward man 7:22
Q: I see another law where?
A: in my members 7:23
Q: Through whom do I thank God?
A: Jesus Christ our Lord 7:25
Q: With the flesh I serve what?
A: the law of sin 7:25
Q: Finish… There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in
Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit 8:1
Q: Who was sent in the likeness of sinful flesh?
A: God’s Son 8:3
Q: To be spiritually minded is what?
A: life and peace 8:6
Q: The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are what?
A: the children of God 8:16
Q: We are joint heirs with whom?
A: Christ 8:17
Q: What sufferings are not worthy to be compared with glory?
A: the sufferings of this present time 8:18
Q: Who have glorious liberty?
A: the children of God 8:21
Q: Finish… And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose. 8:28
Q: Finish… If God be for us, who can be against us? 8:31
Q: God shall freely give us what?
A: all things 8:32
Q: Who is at the right hand of God?
A: Christ 8:34
Q: Death shall not separate us from what?
A: the love of God 8:39
Q: What did Paul have in his heart?
A: great heaviness and continual sorrow 9:2
Q: Who is over all?
A: Christ 9:5
Q: Who is blessed forever?
A: God 9:5
Q: The elder shall serve whom?
A: the younger 9:12
Q: Who was hated?
A: Esau 9:13
Q: There is no unrighteousness with whom?
A: with God 9:14
Q: God’s name was declared where?
A: throughout all the earth 9:17
Q: Who was raised up to show the power of God?
A: Pharaoh 9:17
Q: What power hath the potter over the clay?
A: to make one vessel to honor and another unto dishonor 9:21
Q: Where will the Lord make a short work?
A: on the earth 9:28
Q: The Gentiles followed not after what?
A: righteousness 9:30
Q: Why did Israel not attain to righteousness?
A: they sought it not by faith 9:32
Q: What is laid in Zion?
A: a stumblingstone and rock of offence 9:33
Q: What was Paul’s heart’s desire?
A: that Israel might be saved 10:1
Q: What zeal did Israel have?
A: a zeal of God but not according to knowledge 10:2
Q: Christ is the end of what?
A: the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth 10:4
Q: What word is nigh thee?
A: the word of faith 10:8
Q: Finish… That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved. 10:9
Q: Finish… For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation. 10:10
Q: The same Lord over all is rich unto whom?
A: all that call upon him 10:12
Q: Finish… For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 10:13
Q: Whose feet are beautiful?
A: them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of
good things 10:15
Q: Finish… So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 10:17
Q: Their sound went where?
A: into all the earth 10:18
Q: A foolish nation will do what?
A: anger you 10:19
Q: Who was of the tribe of Benjamin?
A: Paul 11:1
Q: Who killed the prophets?
A: Israel 11:2-3
Q: God reserved how many men to himself?
A: 7000 11:4
Q: When is grace no more grace?
A: if it be of works 11:6
Q: What provoked Israel to jealousy?
A: salvation for the Gentiles 11:11
Q: Paul was the apostle of whom?
A: the Gentiles 11:13
Q: If the root be holy, what else is holy?
A: the branches 11:16
Q: What was broken off that we might be grafted in?
A: the branches 11:19
Q: Blindness in part is happened to whom?
A: Israel 11:25
Q: God’s covenant with Israel was what?
A: I shall take away their sins 11:27
Q: In times past, ye have not done what?
A: believed God 11:30
Q: What are past finding out?
A: God’s judgments 11:33
Q: To whom be glory forever?
A: God 11:36
Q: Finish… I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is
your reasonable service. 12:1
Q: Finish… Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing
of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect,
will of God. 12:2
Q: He that giveth should do it with what?
A: simplicity 12:8
Q: Show mercy how?
A: with cheerfulness 12:8
Q: Cleave to what?
A: that which is good 12:9
Q: Be fervent in what?
A: spirit 12:11
Q: Be patient in what?
A: tribulation 12:12
Q: Bless whom?
A: them that persecute you 12:14
Q: Weep with whom?
A: them that weep 12:15
Q: Mind not what things?
A: high things 12:16
Q: Condescend to whom?
A: men of low estate 12:16
Q: Live peaceably with whom?
A: all men 12:18
Q: If thine enemy hunger, do what?
A: feed him 12:20
Q: Let every soul be subject unto what?
A: the higher powers 13:1
Q: The powers that be are ordained of whom?
A: God 13:1
Q: Who shall receive to themselves damnation?
A: those that resist the power of God 13:2
Q: The ruler is the minister of whom?
A: God 13:3-4
Q: Upon whom does the revenger execute wrath?
A: on him that doeth evil 13:4
Q: Render honor to whom?
A: to whom honor is due 13:7
Q: He that loveth hath fulfilled what?
A: the law 13:8
Q: Our salvation is now nearer than when?
A: than when we first believed 13:11
Q: What is far spent?
A: the night 13:12
Q: Let us cast off what?
A: the works of darkness 13:12
Q: Put on what armour?
A: the armour of light 13:12
Q: Walk how?
A: honestly as in the day 13:13
Q: Put on whom?
A: the Lord Jesus Christ 13:14
Q: He that eateth should not do what?
A: despise him that eateth not 14:2
Q: Every man should be persuaded where?
A: in his own mind 14:5
Q: Whether we live or die, we are whose?
A: the Lord’s 14:7
Q: None of us liveth to whom?
A: himself 14:7
Q: To what end did Christ die, rise and revive?
A: that he might be Lord both of the dead and living 14:9
Q: We shall all stand where?
A: before the judgment seat of Christ 14:10
Q: Every knee shall do what?
A: bow to the Lord 14:11
Q: Finish… So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God 14:12
Q: Your good should not be what?
A: evil spoken of 14:16
Q: What is not meat and drink?
A: the kingdom of God 14:17
Q: The kingdom of God is what?
A: righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost 14:17
Q: He that serveth Christ is acceptable to whom?
A: God 14:18
Q: Whatsoever is not of faith is what?
A: sin 14:23
Q: Who ought to bear the infirmities of the weak?
A: we that are strong 15:1
Q: We have hope through what?
A: through patience and comfort of the scriptures 15:4
Q: With one mind and one mouth ye may do what?
A: glorify God 15:6
Q: Unto what will I sing?
A: thy name 15:9
Q: Who shall fill you with all joy and peace?
A: the God of hope 15:13
Q: Who ministered the gospel of God?
A: Paul 15:16
Q: Paul gloried through whom?
A: Jesus Christ 15:17
Q: What did Paul fully preach?
A: the gospel of Christ 15:19
Q: Where did Paul not build?
A: on another man’s foundation 15:20
Q: They that have not heard shall do what?
A: understand 15:21
Q: When did Paul plan to come to the Romans?
A: when he took his journey into Spain 15:24
Q: The Gentiles were made partakers of what?
A: spiritual things 15:27
Q: The God of peace be with whom?
A: you all 15:33
Q: Receive Phebe how?
A: in the Lord as becometh saints 16:2
Q: In whose house was there a church?
A: in the house of Priscilla and A
Q:uila 16:3,5
Q: What did Mary bestow on us?
A: much labour 16:6
Q: Salute one another how?
A: with a holy kiss 16:16
Q: They which cause division serve not whom?
A: our Lord Jesus Christ 16:18
Q: I would have you wise unto what?
A: that which is good 16:19
Q: Be simple concerning what?
A: evil 16:19
Q: The God of peace shall bruise whom?
A: Satan 16:20
Q: Paul’s workfellow was who?
A: Timotheus 16:21
Q: According to what may you be established?
A: my gospel 16:25
Q: What was kept secret since the world began?
A: the revelation of the mystery 16:25
Q: Why is the mystery now made known?
A: for the obedience of faith 16:26
Q: Who is only wise?
A: God 16:27
Q: *To God be glory through whom?
A: Jesus Christ 16:27
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