The very 1st Quiz Box was made in 1961 by Don Glaske. This was battery-powered & used for Bible quizzing. Quizzing is now worldwide & in various languages!
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.
Quiz-Time quiz boxes are portable, don't require electricity or a computer, are easy to use, and simple to set up.
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.

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Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

New Testament Books

Matthew   |   Mark   |   Luke   |   John   |   Acts   |   Romans   |   1 Corinthians   |   2 Corinthians   |   Galatians   |   Ephesians   |   Philippians   |   Colossians   |   1 Thessalonians   |   2 Thessalonians  |  1 Timothy   |   2 Timothy   |   Titus   |   Philemon   |   Hebrews   |   James   |   1 Peter   |   2 Peter   |   1 John   |   2 John   |   3 John   |   Jude   |   Revelation

II Thessalonians


Q: The Lord is who?
A: Jesus Christ 1:1

Q: Grace and peace are from whom?
A: God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ 1:2

Q: What groweth exceedingly?
A: your faith 1:3

Q: In all your persecutions and tribulations, ye do what?
A: endure 1:4

Q: Be counted worthy of what?
A: the kingdom of God 1:5

Q: The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from where?
A: heaven 1:7

Q: What are mighty?
A: angels of the Lord Jesus 1:7

Q: In flaming fire, the Lord Jesus shall do what?
A: take vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 1:8

Q: Our testimony among you was what?
A: believed 1:10

Q: We pray that our God would count you worthy of what?
A: this calling 1:11

Q: The name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified where?
A: in you 1:12


Q: Now we beseech you by what?
A: the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 2:1

Q: Be not soon shaken in what?
A: in mind 2:2

Q: Let no man do what?
A: deceive you 2:3

Q: Who sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God?
A: the son of perdition 2:3-4

Q: What mystery doth already work?
A: the mystery of iniquity 2:7

Q: The Lord shall destroy that wicked with what?
A: the brightness of his coming 2:8

Q: Them that perish received not what?
A: the love of the truth 2:10

Q: God hath from the beginning done what?
A: chosen you to salvation 2:13

Q: To whose glory hath God called you?
A: the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ 2:14

Q: Stand how?
A: fast 2:15

Q: Through grace, God hath given us what?
A: good hope 2:16

Q: God will stablish you in what?
A: every good word and work 2:17


Q: Pray that the word of the Lord may have what?
A: free course 3:1

Q: Not all men have what?
A: faith 3:2

Q: Who is faithful?
A: the Lord 3:3

Q: Patiently wait for whom?
A: Christ 3:5

Q: Why did we labour and travail night and day among you?
A: that we might not be chargeable to any one of you 3:8

Q: Who should not eat?
A: any who would not work 3:10

Q: Among you, some walk how?
A: disorderly 3:11

Q: With quietness, do what?
A: work 3:12

Q: Be not weary in what?
A: well doing 3:13

Q: Admonish whom as a brother?
A: any man that obeys not our word by this epistle 3:15

Q: The Lord be with whom?
A: you all 3:16

Q: Whose salutation was in his own hand?
A: Paul’s 3:17

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Quiz-Time Systems
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Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.Quiz-Time Systems, 252 E Napier Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Give us a call at (517) 881-3233
Contact: Jim Krieger    Email:
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Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.