The very 1st Quiz Box was made in 1961 by Don Glaske. This was battery-powered & used for Bible quizzing. Quizzing is now worldwide & in various languages!
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.
Quiz-Time quiz boxes are portable, don't require electricity or a computer, are easy to use, and simple to set up.
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.

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Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

New Testament Books

Matthew   |   Mark   |   Luke   |   John   |   Acts   |   Romans   |   1 Corinthians   |   2 Corinthians   |   Galatians   |   Ephesians   |   Philippians   |   Colossians   |   1 Thessalonians   |   2 Thessalonians  |  1 Timothy   |   2 Timothy   |   Titus   |   Philemon   |   Hebrews   |   James   |   1 Peter   |   2 Peter   |   1 John   |   2 John   |   3 John   |   Jude   |   Revelation

II Corinthians


Q: Paul was an apostle of whom?
A: Jesus Christ 1:1

Q: Who comforteth us in all our tribulation?
A: God 1:3-4

Q: We are able to comfort whom?
A: them which are in any trouble 1:4

Q: Whose sufferings abound in us?
A: Christ 1:5

Q: We had what sentence in ourselves?
A: the sentence of death 1:9

Q: We should not trust in whom?
A: ourselves 1:9

Q: Who delivered us from so great a death?
A: God 1:9-10

Q: In simplicity and godly sincerity, we have what in the world?
A: our conversation 1:12

Q: What have ye acknowledged in part?
A: that we are your rejoicing 1:14

Q: In our hearts, God hath given what?
A: the earnest of the Spirit 1:22

Q: Why did I not as yet come unto Corinth?
A: to spare you 1:23

Q: We do not have dominion over what?
A: your faith 1:24

Q: Ye stand by what?
A: by faith 1:24


Q: I determined what with myself?
A: that I would not come again to you in heaviness 2:1

Q: The joy of you all is what?
A: my joy 2:3

Q: Out of what did I write unto you?
A: much affliction and anguish of heart 2:4

Q: With many tears, I did what?
A: wrote unto you 2:4

Q: Be obedient in what things?
A: all things 2:9

Q: We are not ignorant of whose devices?
A: Satan 2:11

Q: I came to Troas to do what?
A: preach Christ’s gospel 2:12

Q: Who opened a door unto me?
A: the Lord 2:12

Q: I had no rest where?
A: in my spirit 2:13

Q: Who was Titus?
A: my brother 2:13

Q: Who causes us to always triumph in Christ?
A: God 2:14

Q: In them that are saved, we are what?
A: a sweet savour of Christ unto God 2:15

Q: Many corrupt what?
A: the word of God 2:17


Q: Ye are known and read of whom?
A: all men 3:2

Q: Ye are not written where?
A: in tables of stone 3:3

Q: Our sufficiency is of whom?
A: God 3:5

Q: God hath made us able ministers of what?
A: the new testament 3:6

Q: What killeth?
A: the letter 3:6

Q: What giveth life?
A: the spirit 3:6

Q: Why could Moses’ face not be beheld by the children of Israel?
A: for the glory of his countenance 3:7

Q: Why do we use great plainness of speech?
A: seeing then that we have such hope 3:12

Q: Who put a veil over his face?
A: Moses 3:13

Q: Whose minds were blinded?
A: the children of Israel 3:14

Q: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is what?
A: liberty 3:17

Q: We behold what as in a glass?
A: the glory of the Lord 3:18

Q: We all are changed into the same image as by whom?
A: the Spirit of the Lord 3:18


Q: As we have received mercy, we do what?
A: faint not 4:1

Q: What things have we renounced?
A: the hidden things of dishonesty 4:2

Q: If our gospel be hid, it is what?
A: hid to them that are lost 4:3

Q: Who hath blinded the minds of them which believe not?
A: the god of this world 4:4

Q: Finish… For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake 4:5

Q: Who hath shined in our hearts?
A: God 4:6

Q: We are troubled where?
A: on every side 4:8

Q: What worketh in us?
A: death 4:12

Q: He which raised up the Lord Jesus shall do what?
A: raise up us also by Jesus 4:14

Q: Day by day, what is renewed?
A: the inward man 4:16

Q: What is but for a moment?
A: our light affliction 4:17

Q: What things are temporal?
A: the things which are seen 4:18

Q: What things are eternal?
A: the things which are not seen 4:18


Q: What have we eternal in the heavens?
A: a building of God, an house not made with hands 5:1

Q: We walk how?
A: by faith, not by sight 5:7

Q: We must all appear where?
A: before the judgment seat of Christ 5:10

Q: I trust we are made manifest where?
A: in your consciences 5:11

Q: What constraineth us?
A: the love of Christ 5:14

Q: Finish… Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 5:17

Q: If any man be in Christ, he is what?
A: a new creature 5:17

Q: Old things are what?
A: passed away 5:17

Q: By whom hath God reconciled us to himself?
A: Jesus Christ 5:18

Q: God was in whom?
A: Christ 5:19

Q: We are ambassadors for whom?
A: Christ 5:20

Q: Be ye reconciled to whom?
A: God 5:20

Q: Christ knew no what?
A: sin 5:21

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Quiz-Time Systems
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Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.Quiz-Time Systems, 252 E Napier Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Give us a call at (517) 881-3233
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Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.