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Bible Quiz Questions and Answers
New Testament Books
Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians | Colossians | 1 Thessalonians | 2 Thessalonians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | Philemon | Hebrews | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Jude | Revelation
Q: By whom was Paul an apostle?
A: by Jesus Christ and God the Father 1:1
Q: Who raised Jesus Christ from the dead?
A: God the Father 1:1
Q: Grace and peace are from whom?
A: God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ 1:3
Q: Why did Jesus Christ give himself for our sins?
A: that he might deliver us from this present evil world 1:4
Q: To whom be glory forever and ever?
A: God and our Father 1:4-5
Q: Some would pervert what?
A: the gospel of Christ 1:7
Q: Let whom be accursed?
A: he that preaches any other gospel unto you than that which we have
preached 1:8
Q: By the revelation of Jesus Christ I received what?
A: the gospel which was preached unto me 1:11-12
Q: Beyond measure I did what?
A: persecuted the church of God and wasted it 1:13
Q: God called me by his what?
A: grace 1:15
Q: James was whose brother?
A: the Lord’s 1:19
Q: I lie not before whom?
A: God 1:20
Q: He which persecuted us in times past now does what?
A: preaches the faith which once he destroyed 1:23
Q: False brethren came in to do what?
A: spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus 2:4
Q: Unto Peter was committed what gospel?
A: the gospel of circumcision 2:7
Q: God was mighty in me toward whom?
A: the Gentiles 2:8
Q: Who seemed to be pillars?
A: James, Cephas and John 2:9
Q: Peter did eat with whom?
A: the Gentiles 2:12
Q: I saw that they walked not how?
A: uprightly according to the truth of the gospel 2:14
Q: By the faith of Jesus Christ we are what?
A: justified 2:16
Q: A man is not justified by what?
A: by the works of the law 2:16
Q: We seek to be justified by whom?
A: Christ 2:17
Q: Live unto whom?
A: God 2:19
Q: Finish… I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth
in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the
Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. 2:20
Q: The Son of God gave himself for whom?
A: me 2:20
Q: By the hearing of faith, ye received what?
A: the Spirit 3:2
Q: Because Abraham believed God, it was accounted how?
A: to him for righteousness 3:6
Q: In Abraham, all nations shall be what?
A: blessed 3:8
Q: The just shall live how?
A: by faith 3:11
Q: Finish… Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree 3:13
Q: Through Jesus Christ, the blessing of Abraham came where?
A: on the Gentiles 3:14
Q: By promise, God gave what to Abraham?
A: the inheritance 3:18
Q: Is the law then against the promises of God?
A: God forbid 3:21
Q: The scripture hath concluded what?
A: all under sin 3:22
Q: Before faith came, we were kept where?
A: under the law 3:23
Q: The law was our schoolmaster, why?
A: to bring us unto Christ 3:24
Q: Ye are all children of God by what?
A: faith in Christ Jesus 3:26
Q: When we were children, we were in bondage where?
A: under the elements of the world 4:3
Q: Who sent forth his Son?
A: God 4:4
Q: Why did God send forth his Son?
A: to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the
adoption of sons 4:5
Q: The Spirit of his Son was sent where?
A: into your hearts 4:6
Q: Thou art an heir of God, through whom?
A: Christ 4:7
Q: Ye are known of whom?
A: God 4:9
Q: Through infirmity of the flesh I did what?
A: preached the gospel 4:13
Q: Ye received me as what?
A: an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus 4:14
Q: If it had been possible, ye would have done what?
A: plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me 4:15
Q: Because I tell you the truth, am I what?
A: your enemy 4:16
Q: It is good to be zealously affected in what?
A: in a good thing 4:18
Q: Abraham had sons by whom?
A: one by a bondmaid, the other by a free woman 4:22
Q: As Isaac, we are what?
A: the children of promise 4:28
Q: Who hath made us free?
A: Christ 5:1
Q: Stand fast therefore in what?
A: the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free 5:1
Q: By faith, we wait for what?
A: the hope of righteousness 5:5
Q: Ye should obey what?
A: the truth 5:7
Q: A little leaven leaveneth what?
A: the whole lump 5:9
Q: I yet suffer what?
A: persecution 5:11
Q: By love serve whom?
A: one another 5:13
Q: Thou shalt love thy neighbor how?
A: as thyself 5:14
Q: The flesh lusteth against what?
A: the Spirit 5:17
Q: Ye cannot do the things that ye would, why?
A: the Spirit and the flesh are contrary the one to the other 5:17
Q: Finish… But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there
is no law. 5:22-23
Q: Crucify what?
A: the flesh with the affections and lusts 5:24
Q: If we live in the Spirit, let us also do what?
A: walk in the Spirit 5:25
Q: If a man be overtaken in a fault, do what?
A: restore such an one in the spirit of meekness 6:1
Q: Bear ye what?
A: one another’s burdens 6:2
Q: Fulfill the law of Christ, how?
A: bear ye one another’s burdens 6:2
Q: If a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he does what?
A: deceiveth himself 6:3
Q: Finish… Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap. 6:7
Q: He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap what?
A: life everlasting 6:8
Q: Finish… And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap,
if we faint not. 6:9
Q: As we have opportunity, let us do what?
A: good unto all men 6:10
Q: Especially do good unto whom?
A: unto them who are of the household of faith 6:10
Q: With mine own hand I have written what?
A: a letter 6:11
Q: Finish… But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world 6:14
Q: I bear what in my body?
A: the marks of the Lord Jesus 6:17
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