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Bible Quiz Questions and Answers
New Testament Books
Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians | Colossians | 1 Thessalonians | 2 Thessalonians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | Philemon | Hebrews | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Jude | Revelation
I Corinthians 1
Q: Through the will of God, Paul was called to be what?
A: an apostle of Jesus Christ 1:1
Q: Grace and peace are from whom?
A: God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ 1:3
Q: The grace of God is given you by whom?
A: Jesus Christ 1:4
Q: In all utterance and in all knowledge ye are what?
A: enriched by him 1:5
Q: Ye are waiting for what?
A: the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 1:7
Q: By whom were ye called unto the fellowship of Jesus Christ?
A: God 1:9
Q: Be perfectly joined together how?
A: in the same mind and in the same judgment 1:10
Q: Preach not with wisdom of words, why?
A: lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect 1:17
Q: Finish… For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;
but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1:18
Q: It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to do what?
A: save them that believe 1:21
Q: What hath God chosen to confound the wise?
A: the foolish things of the world 1:27
Q: *He that glorieth, let him glory where?
A: in the Lord 1:31
I Corinthians 2
Q: I came unto you declaring what?
A: the testimony of God 2:1
Q: I am determined not to know what?
A: anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified 2:2
Q: I was with you in what?
A: weakness and fear and much trembling 2:3
Q: My speech and my preaching was in demonstration of what?
A: the Spirit and of power 2:4
Q: What princes come to naught?
A: the princes of this world 2:6
Q: We speak what in a mystery?
A: the wisdom of God 2:7
Q: Had the princes of this world known the wisdom of God,
they would not have done what?
A: crucified the Lord of glory 2:8
Q: Finish… Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the
heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 2:9
Q: The Spirit searcheth what?
A: all things, yea, the deep things of God 2:10
Q: Now we have received what spirit?
A: the spirit which is of God 2:12
Q: By the spirit which is of God we might know what?
A: the things that are freely given to us of God 2:12
Q: The natural man receiveth not what?
A: the things of the Spirit of God 2:14
I Corinthians 3
Q: Why have I not fed you with meat?
A: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it 3:2
Q: There is what among you?
A: envying, strife, and divisions 3:3
Q: Finish… I have planted, Apollos watered: but God gave the increase. 3:6
Q: Every man shall receive what?
A: his own reward according to his own labour 3:8
Q: We are labourers together with whom?
A: God 3:9
Q: Finish… For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ. 3:11
Q: What shall be revealed by fire?
A: every man’s work 3:13
Q: The fire shall do what?
A: try every man’s work of what sort it is 3:13
Q: If any man’s work abide, he shall receive what?
A: a reward 3:14
Q: Whose temple are ye?
A: God’s 3:16
Q: What wisdom is foolishness with God?
A: the wisdom of the world 3:19
Q: Who are taken in their own craftiness?
A: the wise 3:19
Q: What things are yours?
A: all things 3:21
Q: Finish… And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s. 3:23
I Corinthians 4
Q: Let a man so account of us how?
A: as the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God 4:1
Q: What is required in stewards?
A: that a man be found faithful 4:2
Q: He that judgeth me is who?
A: the Lord 4:4
Q: The Lord will bring what to light when he comes?
A: the hidden things of darkness 4:5
Q: We are made a spectacle unto whom?
A: to the world, and to angels, and to men 4:9
Q: In whom are ye wise?
A: Christ 4:10
Q: Ye are honourable, but we are what?
A: despised 4:10
Q: Being reviled, we do what?
A: bless 4:12
Q: Being persecuted, we do what?
A: suffer it 4:12
Q: In Christ Jesus I have begotten you through what?
A: the gospel 4:15
Q: I teach my ways where?
A: every where in every church 4:17
Q: I will come to you when?
A: shortly 4:19
Q: What is not in word, but in power?
A: the kingdom of God 4:20
I Corinthians 5
Q: What is commonly reported?
A: that there is fornication among you 5:1
Q: Who are puffed up?
A: ye 5:2
Q: Absent in body, but present where?
A: in spirit 5:3
Q: The spirit may be saved in what day?
A: in the day of the Lord Jesus 5:5
Q: What is not good?
A: your glorying 5:6
Q: A little leaven leaveneth what?
A: the whole lump 5:6
Q: Purge out the old leaven, why?
A: that ye may be a new lump 5:7
Q: Who is our passover?
A: Christ 5:7
Q: Who is sacrificed for us?
A: Christ 5:7
Q: With what should we keep the feast?
A: the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth 5:8
Q: I wrote what unto you in an epistle?
A: not to company with fornicators 5:9
Q: Put that wicked person where?
A: away from yourselves 5:13
Q: Who judgeth them that are without
A: God 5:13
I Corinthians 6
Q: The saints shall judge what?
A: the world 6:2
Q: Know ye not that we shall judge what?
A: angels 6:3
Q: I speak to your what?
A: shame 6:5
Q: The unrighteous shall not inherit what?
A: the kingdom of God 6:9
Q: By what Spirit are ye sanctified?
A: the Spirit of our God 6:11
Q: In what name are ye justified?
A: the name of the Lord Jesus 6:11
Q: Who hath raised up the Lord?
A: God 6:14
Q: Whom will God raise up by his own power?
A: us 6:14
Q: He that is joined unto the Lord is what?
A: one spirit 6:17
Q: Flee what?
A: fornication 6:18
Q: Your body is whose temple?
A: the Holy Ghost 6:19
Q: Finish… For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body,
and in your spirit, which are God’s. 6:20
Q: Gloify God where?
A: in your body, and in your spirit 6:20
I Corinthians 7
Q: Give yourselves to what?
A: fasting and prayer 7:5
Q: Every man hath what of God?
A: his proper gift 7:7
Q: If the wife depart, let her do what?
A: remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband 7:11
Q: Who is sanctified by the wife?
A: the unbelieving husband 7:14
Q: God hath called us to what?
A: peace 7:15
Q: He that is called, being free, is what?
A: Christ’s servant 7:22
Q: Ye are bought with a what?
A: a price 7:23
Q: What is short?
A: the time 7:29
Q: What passeth away?
A: the fashion of this world 7:31
Q: The unmarried woman careth for what?
A: the things of the Lord 7:34
Q: Attend upon the Lord without what?
A: distraction 7:35
Q: How long is the wife bound by the law?
A: as long as her husband liveth 7:39
Q: If her husband is dead, the wife is at liberty to do what?
A: to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord 7:39
I Corinthians 8
Q: What puffeth up?
A: knowledge 8:1
Q: If any man love God, the same is known of whom?
A: him (God) 8:3
Q: An idol is nothing where?
A: in the world 8:4
Q: There is but one what?
A: God 8:4
Q: We are in whom?
A: God, the Father 8:6
Q: By whom are all things?
A: the Lord Jesus Christ 8:6
Q: Why is their conscience defiled?
A: being weak 8:7
Q: Meat commendeth us not to whom?
A: God 8:8
Q: Take heed lest this liberty of yours becomes what?
A: a stumblingblock to them that are weak 8:9
Q: Through thy knowledge who might perish?
A: the weak brother 8:11
Q: Who died for the weak brother?
A: Christ 8:11
Q: When ye sin against the brethren, ye also do what?
A: sin against Christ 8:12
Q: If meat make my brother to offend, I will do what?
A: eat no flesh while the world standeth 8:13
I Corinthians 9
Q: What is the seal of mine apostleship?
A: ye in the Lord 9:2
Q: What ox shalt not be muzzled?
A: the ox that treadeth out the corn 9:9
Q: What things have we sown unto you?
A: spiritual things 9:11
Q: Lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ, we do what?
A: suffer all things 9:12
Q: They which preach the gospel should do what?
A: live of the gospel 9:14
Q: I have what to glory of?
A: nothing 9:16
Q: Woe is unto me, if I do not what?
A: preach the gospel 9:16
Q: Why did I make myself a servant unto all?
A: that I might gain the more 9:19
Q: Why did I become a Jew unto the Jews?
A: that I might gain the Jews 9:20
Q: Why am I made all things to all men?
A: that I might by all means save some 9:22
Q: One receiveth what?
A: the prize 9:24
Q: We run to obtain what crown?
A: an incorruptible crown 9:25
Q: I fight not how?
A: as one that beateth the air 9:26
Q: Lest I should be a castaway, I do what?
A: keep under my body, and bring it unto subjection 9:27
I Corinthians 10
Q: Where were our fathers baptized unto Moses?
A: in the cloud and in the sea 10:2
Q: The spiritual Rock was who?
A: Christ 10:4
Q: Many of our fathers were overthrown where?
A: in the wilderness 10:5
Q: How many fell in one day?
A: three and twenty thousand 10:8
Q: He that thinketh he standeth should do what?
A: take heed lest he fall 10:12
Q: What is common to man?
A: temptation 10:13
Q: With the temptation God will do what?
A: make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it 10:13
Q: The cup of blessing is what?
A: the communion of the blood of Christ 10:16
Q: What things are lawful to me?
A: all things 10:23
Q: What fulness is the Lord’s?
A: the fulness of the earth 10:26
Q: Finish… Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do,
do all to the glory of God. 10:31
Q: Do all to whose glory?
A: God 10:31
Q: Why do I seek the profit of many?
A: that they may be saved 10:33
I Corinthians 11
Q: Even as I am a follower of Christ, be ye what?
A: followers of me 11:1
Q: The head of every man is who?
A: Christ 11:3
Q: The head of Christ is who?
A: God 11:3
Q: A man ought not to cover his head, why?
A: he is the image and glory of God 11:7
Q: What is a glory to a woman?
A: her long hair 11:15
Q: I partly believe what?
A: that there be divisions among you 11:18
Q: When did Jesus take bread and break it?
A: the same night in which he was betrayed 11:23
Q: What is the new testament in my blood?
A: the cup 11:25
Q: Ye do show the Lord’s death when?
A: as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup 11:26
Q: Let a man examine whom?
A: himself 11:28
Q: Where are there many weak and sickly?
A: among you 11:30
Q: Why are we chastened of the Lord?
A: that we should not be condemned with the world 11:32
Q: I will set the rest in order when?
A: when I come 11:34
I Corinthians 12
Q: I would not have you ignorant concerning what?
A: spiritual gifts 12:1
Q: No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by whom?
A: the Holy Ghost 12:3
Q: Who worketh all in all?
A: God 12:6
Q: The word of wisdom is given by whom?
A: the Spirit 12:8
Q: What hath many members?
A: the body 12:12
Q: By what are we all baptized into one body?
A: one Spirit 12:13
Q: How hath God set the members in the body?
A: as it hath pleased him 12:18
Q: The head cannot say what unto the feet?
A: I have no need of you 12:21
Q: God hath given more abundant honor to what?
A: that part which lacked 12:24
Q: The members should have what one for another?
A: the same care 12:25
Q: All members suffer when?
A: when one member suffers 12:26
Q: Whom hath God set first in the church?
A: apostles 12:28
Q: Covet the best gifts how?
A: earnestly 12:31
I Corinthians 13
Q: When am I as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal?
A: when I have not charity 13:1
Q: I am nothing when?
A: when I have not charity 13:2
Q: What is kind?
A: charity 13:4
Q: Charity endureth what?
A: all things 13:7
Q: What shall fail?
A: prophecies 13:8
Q: What shall cease?
A: tongues 13:8
Q: What shall vanish away?
A: knowledge 13:8
Q: When shall that which is in part be done away?
A: when that which is perfect is come 13:10
Q: When I was a child, I did what?
A: I spake as a child, understood as a child, and
thought as a child 13:11
Q: When did I put away childish things?
A: when I became a man 13:11
Q: Through what do we see darkly?
A: a glass 13:12
Q: Now I know in part; but then shall I know how?
A: even as also I am known 13:12
Q: What three abideth?
A: faith, hope and charity 13:13
I Corinthians 14
Q: Desire what gifts?
A: spiritual gifts 14:1
Q: He that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh to whom?
A: God 14:2
Q: Where are there many kinds of voices?
A: in the world 14:10
Q: See that ye may excel to what?
A: the edifying of the church 14:12
Q: I will pray and sing with what?
A: with the spirit and with the understanding 14:15
Q: Tongues are a sign to whom?
A: them that believe not 14:22
Q: Prophesying serveth whom?
A: them which believe 14:22
Q: Let what things be done unto edifying?
A: all things 14:26
Q: God is not the author of what?
A: confusion 14:33
Q: God is the author of what?
A: peace 14:33
Q: Who are commanded to be under obedience?
A: your women 14:34
Q: The things that I write unto you are what?
A: the commandments of the Lord 14:37
Q: Let all things be done how?
A: decently and in order 14:40
I Corinthians 15
Q: Christ died for what?
A: our sins 15:3
Q: According to what did Christ die for our sins?
A: the scriptures 15:3
Q: Christ rose on what day?
A: the third day 15:4
Q: If Christ be not risen, then what is vain?
A: our preaching and your faith 15:14
Q: Christ must reign till he hath done what?
A: put all enemies under his feet 15:25
Q: The last enemy that shall be destroyed is what?
A: death 15:26
Q: Be not what?
A: deceived 15:33
Q: Evil communications do what?
A: corrupt good manners 15:33
Q: I speak what to your shame?
A: that some have not the knowledge of God 15:34
Q: Flesh and blood cannot inherit what?
A: the kingdom of God 15:50
Q: At what sound shall we all be changed?
A: at the last trump 15:52
Q: Finish… But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through
our Lord Jesus Christ. 15:57
Q: Finish… Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that
your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 15:58
I Corinthians 16
Q: Concerning what collection did Paul give orders?
A: the collection for the saints 16:1
Q: Upon what day of the week should you lay in store?
A: the first day 16:2
Q: How long will I tarry at Ephesus?
A: until Pentecost 16:8
Q: What door is opened to me?
A: a great door 16:9
Q: There are many what?
A: adversaries 16:9
Q: Who worketh the work of the Lord?
A: Timotheus 16:10
Q: I greatly desired whom to come unto you ?
A: Apollos 16:12
Q: Finish… Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong 16:13
Q: Let all your things be done with what?
A: charity 16:14
Q: What is the firstfruits of Achaia?
A: the house of Stephanas 16:15
Q: What churches salute you?
A: the churches of Asia 16:19
Q: In whose house was there a church?
A: Aquila and Priscilla 16:19
Q: Greet ye one another how?
A: with a holy kiss 16:20
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