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I Peter 1
Q: What is reserved in heaven for you?
A: an inheritance 1:4
Q: We are kept by whose power?
A: God 1:5
Q: Finish... That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold
that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and
honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ 1:7
Q: Believing, ye rejoice how?
A: with joy unspeakable and full of glory 1:8
Q: The Holy Ghost was sent from where?
A: heaven 1:12
Q: Gird up what?
A: the loins of your mind 1:13
Q: In all manner of conversation be ye what?
A: holy 1:15
Q: Who judgeth without respect of persons?
A: the Father 1:17
Q: With what were you redeemed?
A: the precious blood of Christ 1:19
Q: See that ye love one another how?
A: with a pure heart fervently 1:22
Q: All flesh is as what?
A: grass 1:24
Q: What endureth for ever?
A: the word of the Lord 1:25
I Peter 2
Q: All evil speaking should be what?
A: laid aside 2:1
Q: Finish... As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word,
that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the
Lord is gracious 2:2,3
Q: By whom are you acceptable to God?
A: Jesus Christ 2:5
Q: Christ is a stone of stumbling to whom?
A: them which stumble at the word 2:8
Q: Ye are now the people of whom?
A: God 2:10
Q: Fleshly lusts war against what?
A: the soul 2:11
Q: For the Lord’s sake, submit yourselves to what?
A: every ordinance of man 2:13
Q: With well doing ye may do what?
A: put to silence the ignorance of foolish men 2:15
Q: Use your liberty as the servants of whom?
A: God 2:16
Q: Christ left us an example, why?
A: that we should follow his steps 2:21
Q: When he suffered, Christ did not do what?
A: threaten 2:23
Q: On the tree Christ did what?
A: bare our sins in his own body 2:24
I Peter 3
Q: Ye wives be in subjection to whom?
A: your own husbands 3:1
Q: What ornament is of great price in the sight of God?
A: the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit 3:4
Q: Who are heirs together of the grace of life?
A: a husband and wife 3:7
Q: Have compassion on whom?
A: one another 3:8
Q: Let him that will love life, and see good days, do what?
A: refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile 3:10
Q: The ears of the Lord are open to what?
A: the prayers of the righteous 3:12
Q: The face of the Lord is against whom?
A: them that do evil 3:12
Q: Happy are ye if ye do what?
A: suffer for righteousness’ sake 3:14
Q: Finish…But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always
to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope
that is in you with meekness and fear 3:15
Q: Finish…For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust,
that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened
by the spirit. 3:18
Q: While the ark was a preparing, who waited?
A: the longsuffering of God 3:20
I Peter 4
Q: In the flesh, Christ suffered for whom?
A: us 4:1
Q: They who speak evil of you shall give account to whom?
A: him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead 4:5
Q: What was preached to them that are dead?
A: the gospel 4:6
Q: Be sober and watch unto what?
A: prayer 4:7
Q: Be good stewards of what?
A: the manifold grace of God 4:10
Q: If any man speak, let him speak how?
A: as the oracles of God 4:11
Q: Finish…Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you,
as though some strange thing happened unto you 4:12
Q: Rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of what?
A: Christ’s sufferings 4:13
Q: Happy are ye if ye be what?
A: reproached for the name of Christ 4:14
Q: If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be what?
A: ashamed 4:16
Q: The time is come that judgment must begin where?
A: at the house of God 4:17
I Peter 5
Q: Feed whom?
A: the flock of God which is among you 5:2
Q: Over God’s heritage, be not as what?
A: lords 5:3
Q: When the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive what?
A: a crown of glory that fadeth not away 5:4
Q: God giveth grace to whom?
A: the humble 5:5
Q: Finish…Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due time. 5:6
Q: Why cast all your care upon God?
A: for he careth for you 5:7
Q: The devil walketh about doing what?
A: seeking whom he may devour 5:8
Q: Stedfastly resist whom in the faith?
A: the devil 5:9
Q: The God of all grace hath called us unto what?
A: his eternal glory by Christ Jesus 5:10
Q: Glory and dominion be to God how long?
A: for ever and ever 5:11
Q: A faithful brother is who?
A: Silvanus 5:12
Q: Greet ye one another how?
A: with a kiss of charity 5:14
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