The very 1st Quiz Box was made in 1961 by Don Glaske. This was battery-powered & used for Bible quizzing. Quizzing is now worldwide & in various languages!
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.
Quiz-Time quiz boxes are portable, don't require electricity or a computer, are easy to use, and simple to set up.
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.
Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.

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Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

New Testament Books

Matthew   |   Mark   |   Luke   |   John   |   Acts   |   Romans   |   1 Corinthians   |   2 Corinthians   |   Galatians   |   Ephesians   |   Philippians   |   Colossians   |   1 Thessalonians   |   2 Thessalonians  |  1 Timothy   |   2 Timothy   |   Titus   |   Philemon   |   Hebrews   |   James   |   1 Peter   |   2 Peter   |   1 John   |   2 John   |   3 John   |   Jude   |   Revelation

I Timothy

I Timothy 1

Q: Paul was an apostle of whom?
A: Jesus Christ 1:1

Q: My own son in the faith is who?
A: Timothy 1:2

Q: Give no heed to what?
A: fables and endless genealogies 1:4

Q: Charity out of a pure heart is the end of what?
A: the commandment 1:5

Q: Some having swerved have turned aside unto what?
A: vain jangling 1:6

Q: When is the law good?
A: if a man use it lawfully 1:8

Q: The law is not made for whom?
A: a righteous man 1:9

Q: What was committed to my trust?
A: the glorious gospel of the blessed God 1:11

Q: What was exceeding abundant with faith and love?
A: the grace of our Lord 1:14

Q: A faithful saying is what?
A: that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners 1:15

Q: Honor and glory be unto whom?
A: the King eternal 1:17

Q: Why have I delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander unto Satan?
A: that they may learn not to blaspheme 1:20

I Timothy 2

Q: Lead what kind of life?
A: a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty 2:2

Q: In whose sight is the giving of thanks good and acceptable?
A: God our Saviour 2:3

Q: To what knowledge should all men come?
A: the knowledge of the truth 2:4

Q: Between God and men there is who?
A: one mediator, the man Christ Jesus 2:5

Q: For whom did Christ Jesus give himself a ransom?
A: for all 2:6

Q: I lie not, but speak what?
A: the truth in Christ 2:7

Q: Lift up what, without wrath and doubting?
A: holy hands 2:8

Q: Women should adorn themselves in what apparel?
A: modest apparel 2:9

Q: Who is not to usurp authority over the man?
A: the woman 2:12

Q: Adam was formed before whom?
A: Eve 2:13

Q: Who was deceived?
A: the woman (Eve) 2:14

Q: With sobriety, continue in what?
A: faith and charity and holiness 2:15

I Timothy 3

Q: What is a true saying?
A: if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work 3:1

Q: A bishop must not be given to what?
A: wine 3:3

Q: With all gravity a bishop does what?
A: he has his children in subjection 3:4

Q: Being lifted up with pride, he falls where?
A: into the condemnation of the devil 3:6

Q: A bishop must have a good report of whom?
A: them which are without 3:7

Q: Hold the mystery of the faith how?
A: in a pure conscience 3:9

Q: Who should be found blameless?
A: the deacon 3:10

Q: Who must be faithful in all things?
A: deacon’s wives 3:11

Q: Have great boldness in what?
A: in the faith which is in Christ Jesus 3:13

Q: I hope shortly to do what?
A: come unto thee 3:14

Q: What is the pillar and ground of truth?
A: the house of God 3:15

Q: Great is what mystery?
A: the mystery of godliness 3:16

I Timothy 4

Q: In the latter times, some shall depart from what?
A: the faith 4:1

Q: God created meats to be received how?
A: with thanksgiving 4:3

Q: Every creature of God is what?
A: good 4:4

Q: Be a good minister of whom?
A: Jesus Christ 4:6

Q: Exercise thyself unto what?
A: godliness 4:7

Q: Godliness is profitable unto what?
A: all things 4:8

Q: We both labor and suffer reproach, why?
A: because we trust in the living God 4:10

Q: Finish... Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 4:12

Q: Let no man despise what?
A: thy youth 4:12

Q: Till I come, do what?
A: give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine 4:13

Q: Neglect not what?
A: the gift that is in thee 4:14

Q: Take heed unto what?
A: thyself and unto the doctrine 4:16

I Timothy 5

Q: Intreat an elder as a what?
A: a father 5:1

Q: Younger women should be intreated how?
A: as sisters, with all purity 5:2

Q: Who is dead while she liveth?
A: she that liveth in pleasure 5:6

Q: Who is worse than an infidel?
A: if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house 5:8

Q: Who have already turned aside after Satan?
A: some younger women 5:15

Q: Widows indeed should be relieved by whom?
A: the church 5:16

Q: Let the elders that rule well be counted how?
A: worthy of double honor 5:17

Q: Muzzle not what?
A: the ox that treadeth out the corn 5:18

Q: The labourer is worthy of what?
A: his reward 5:18

Q: Receive not an accusation against an elder without what?
A: two or three witnesses 5:19

Q: Rebuke whom before all?
A: them that sin 5:20

Q: Be not partakers of what?
A: other men’s sins 5:22

I Timothy 6

Q: Consent to whose words?
A: the words of our Lord Jesus Christ 6:3

Q: Withdraw thyself from whom?
A: men of corrupt minds 6:5

Q: What is great gain?
A: godliness with contentment 6:6

Q: Having food and raiment, let us do what?
A: be therewith content 6:8

Q: The rich fall where?
A: into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts 6:9

Q: The love of money is what?
A: the root of all evil 6:10

Q: Finish... But thou, O man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness 6:11

Q: Fight what fight?
A: the good fight of faith 6:12

Q: God quickeneth what?
A: all things 6:13

Q: Until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, keep what?
A: this commandment 6:14

Q: Charge whom that they be not highminded?
A: the rich of this world 6:17

Q: Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy?
A: God 6:17

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Quiz-Time Systems
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Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.Quiz-Time Systems, 252 E Napier Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
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Quiz-Time Systems - Electronic equipment for groups or teams to interact in a quiz show format.